Cost Success rates  |  Egg donation  |  Age limit  |  Doctors

Listed here are the best doctors for IVF in Malaysia with experience of over 40 years in the field and some of the highest success rates in all of Asia.

IVF is expensive. It is imperative that you find the right doctor that understands your unique case and specific requirements.

Before you sign up for fertility treatments, consider the clinic’s location, overall standards, cost of in vitro fertilization, doctor’s availability, staff behavior, among other factors. Read Infertility Aide reviews from real patients to help you in this decision.

Every clinic has their own strengths and you must find the expert that is right for you.

IVF in Malaysia

What is the cost of IVF in Malaysia?

While the cheapest IVF in Malaysia costs only RM 9,900, the more comprehensive, fully-inclusive packages cost higher. IVF prices vary with your individual requirements.

Below is the range of the average IVF fee in Malaysia:

IVF – ICSIRM 9,900 – RM 30,000
IVF + Genetic testing RM 30,000RM 30,000 – RM 45,000
Egg freezingRM 15,000 – RM 21,000
Donor egg IVFRM 22,000 – RM 31,000 + donor fee
Donor sperm IVFRM 22,000 – RM 31,000 + donor fee
IVF with surgical sperm extractionRM 20,000 – RM38,000
Intra-uterine inseminationRM1,000 – RM3,000

IVF cost is always influenced by your individual factors, such as the medication required, number of eggs and embryos, additional services, and any extra testing, if required.

What is the success rate of IVF in Malaysia?

The best IVF clinics in Malaysia report success rates of upto 82.9% in IVF, which are among the highest in the world.
Ofcourse, your age, gamete quality, overall health will always be responsible for your own IVF success and you must find the doctor you feel most comfortable with.

Is donor egg IVF in Malaysia legal?

Yes, IVF with donor eggs is allowed and very well regulated in Malaysia. The process involves thorough testing, counselling, and examination of all parties.

What is the age limit for IVF in Malaysia?

There is no age restriction for IVF, but some of the best fertility clinics in Kuala Lumpur will allow women upto 53 years or menopause, whichever comes first.
Donor eggs and donor embryos are recommended for women over 45 years, but it really depends upon your personal factors.

Can unmarried woman do IVF in Malaysia?

No, the Malaysian IVF law requires you to be married to be eligible for IVF and Malaysian fertility clinics may require both partners to commence the treatment.
As a single woman, you can have your eggs frozen and plan for IVF in future. The Cryotec method of egg vitrification is the most advanced in the world that allows the doctors to achieve close to 100% freeze-thaw survival of eggs and embryos.

IVF clinic map

Doctors for IVF in Malaysia

Showing 1-12 of 12 results

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