Natural cycle IVF

Natural cycle IVF 

In Natural cycle IVF, the egg you naturally release each month is collected and fertilized with your partner’s sperm under controlled conditions of an IVF laboratory. No drugs or hormones are used for stimulation of ovaries, unlike in conventional IVF.  The world’s first IVF baby—Louise Brown—was conceived with natural IVF but due to the lower […]

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Pre implantation genetic testing in IVF

Pre-implantation genetic testing

Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) in IVF is used to screen embryos for genetic anomalies before they are transferred to the uterus, thereby reducing the possibility of a failed implantation or miscarriage. The usage of PGT in IVF has significantly increased over the past few years and so has the number of clinics offering PGT in […]

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P-shot for men in Thailand

P-shot for men in Thailand

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is the concentrate of platelets derived from your own blood. Being rich in growth factors, it is being popularly used for tissue regeneration in various diseases. One such use is P-shot for men. On analyzing the available literature on PRP use for ED, researchers found that it has the potential for treating male […]

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EDSWT in Thailand

Erectile Dysfunction Shockwave therapy (EDSWT) in Thailand

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to have sex, and most men experience this at some point in their lives. In fact, it affects 50% of all men in the age bracket of 40–70 years. If you have been facing this problem, consider shockwave […]

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Embryo donation

Embryo Adoption

Embryo adoption is the process of transferring the embryos left after one couple’s in vitro fertilization, to another person or couple. These embryos are usually donated after the couple, for whom they were initially created, has conceived and carried a pregnancy to term. The decision to donate or destroy the embryos remains with the same […]

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Surrogacy laws by country

Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy is an arrangement in which a couple petitions a woman, called a surrogate, to conceive and carry out a pregnancy on their behalf. This is usually done because the intending mother is medically unfit to carry a pregnancy. Once the child is born, the surrogate hands over the baby to the expecting couple […]

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IVF with donor eggs

IVF with Donor Eggs

Donor egg IVF in Malaysia Donor IVF in Denmark Donor IVF in Cyprus Donor egg IVF India Donor egg IVF in Mexico If you have premature ovarian failure, genetic diseases, or reduced ovarian reserve due to ageing or other factors, you may need IVF with donor eggs to get pregnant. Donor egg IVF is also […]

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Egg freezing for women

Egg Freezing

Three years after Sara and her husband got married, they found themselves to be extremely busy and fully caught-up in their respective careers. They were not ready to start a family yet, so Sara decided to opt for egg freezing and secure her motherhood for future. The quality of a woman’s eggs deteriorates as she […]

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